Alfred Robert Webb
(born 18 May 1861 Cripplegate, London died 28 May 1948 Edmonton, Middlesex)
Maternal grandmother: Susannah Davies (born abt 1791 died 18 Mar 1851 Lambeth, Surrey)
Maternal grandfather: George Vertue
(born 18 Jul 1797 St Mary Newington, Walworth, Surrey died 19 Feb 1874 Lambeth)
View Notes
The Will with two Codicils of George Vertue formerly of High Street Norwood but late of East-street High Street Lower Norwood both in the county of Surrey who died 19 February 1874 ... by Mary Ann Vertue, widow and Samuel Clapham of Oxford Road Upper Norwood in the said County Gentleman theExecutors. Under £200
Maternal grandfather’s name Robert Wheeler, maternal grandmother’s name Dorcas.
Source Citation: Place: St. Mary Newington Walworth, Surrey, Eng; Collection: Dr. William's Library; Nonconformist Registers; Date Range: 1797 - 1797; Film Number: 813803.
Paternal grandmother: not known
Paternal grandfather: Robert Webb (born abt 1795 )
View Notes
His parents may have been Robert Webb and Elizabeth Smith, married 12 December 1785 in St Leonard, Shoreditch (which strangely comes under Hackney, Surrey). This is a total guess, but it may explain the Smith in Mary Ann Smith Webb, born 1853.
Mother: Mary Vertue (born 1825 Lambeth, Surrey died 1922 Edmonton, Middlesex)
Father Frederick Webb (born 1825 Finsbury, Middlesex died 1915 Edmonton, Middlesex) View Notes
Profession Mathematical Instrument Maker and residence Harleyford Street in 1850 according to Marriage Certificate
Sister: Mary Ann Smith Webb (born 1853 St Giles Cripplegate ) View Notes
Not at all sure that the baptism record for Mary Ann Smith Webb is her, but the parents match and occupation of father. Have not found Mary in 1911 census, but she was alive according to Frederick and Mary’s census return.
Brother: Frederick Alfred Webb (born 10.9.1854 City of London died 1931 Chelsea, London) 5 children
Wife: Elizabeth Jane Davis (born 1853 City of London )
Daughter: Emily Jane Webb (born 1877 Lambeth London )
Daughter: Rose Ellen Webb (born 1879 Lambeth, London )
Son: Frederick Edwin Webb (born 1881 Lambeth, Surrey died 1882 St Geo. Han. Sq.)
Daughter: Annie Bertha Webb (born 1887 Pimlico London )
Daughter: Edith Webb (born 1890 Pimlico London )
Sister: Rose Emily Webb (born 29.10.1856 St Giles Cripplegate )
Husband: William Bysh (born 1856 Willesden, Middlesex died 29.6.1933 Edmonton) View Notes
William Bysh of 11 Raynton-road Enfield, probate 21 July to Joseph Vickers gardener. Effects £599 1s 9d.
Sister: Ellen Susannah Webb (born 16.5.1858 St Giles Cripplegate ) 3 children
Husband: Andrew Robin (born 1862 Waltham Abbey, Essex )
Daughter: Ellen Eliza Emily Robin (born 1885 Holloway, London )
Son: Andrew John Robin (born 1887 Enfield, Middlesex )
Daughter: Elsie Mary Robin (born 1892 Enfield Lock, Middlesex )
Sister: Caroline Elizabeth Webb (born 1863 Enfield, Middlesex died 1935 Edmonton, Middlesex)
Brother: William Ernest Webb (born 18.12.1864 Enfield, Middlesex died 1935 Lewisham) View Notes
Baptism record shows William’s birth date as 18 Dec 1862. However, freebmd and censuses show 1865 - I have taken the date as being correct but year to be 1864. For some reason his Christening was a long while after birth. But it would have been even stranger had he been born before his sister, but christened after.
Wife: Sarah Fidler (born 26.4.1862 Birmingham, Warwickshire died 17.2.1952 Enfield, Middlesex) married 1884 St. Geo. H. Sq.

Daughter: Myra Elizabeth Webb (born 10.8.1888 Enfield, Middlesex ) 2 children
Husband: Arthur Huxley (born 9.12.1886 Burton on Trent, Staffordshire died 8.2.1950 Shardlow, Derbyshire)
Daughter: Mary Ethel (Peggy) Huxley (born 7.6.1916 Derby died 10.1987 Coventry) View Notes
Met Vilda when she wanted to find a translator to help her read Heiner (German romantic poet) in the original German. Vilda however was not poetic!
Many thanks to Rothwell family tree by LeonLefcovitch on Ancestry
Daughter: Margaret Elizabeth (Betty) Huxley (born 18.9.1920 Derby died 21.3.2005 Truro)
Daughter: Ethel Carrie Webb (born 7.10.1894 Enfield, Middlesex died 2.10.1971 Hoddesdon) 3 children View Notes
Ethel “was brought up in the Plymouth Brethren and was a Sunday School teacher before going to university. She graduated with 1st Class Honours in French at Somerville College, Oxford, in 1916. While on a travelling scholarship to Paris she met Don at the "Rue de Sevres Meeting" in January 1920 and they were married in September 1922. We have been told that Don first spotted Ethel on a bus in Paris and was so attracted by her that he followed the bus on his own bicycle. In 1924 they had their house Noonsun, 25, Churchfields, Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, built to their own designs. Here their three children, Eirene, Rosalind and Peter were born. Ethel later obtained her Oxford M.A. and was an active academic all her life, mainly at the London University Institute of Education and as G.C.E. Chief Examiner. One person who has particularly made a point of telling me that he studied under her at the Institute is Mr. Southey, organiser of the Spring and Autumn concert seasons at Deal. Her nickname at the Institute of Education was Prudence, and her character in later life probably reflected the influence of the Plymouth Brethren in her childhood. Like her husband, she was an ardent pacifist.”
Frank Middlemiss’s online notes
Was living at 52 Hertford Road at time of death. Probate showed her leaving £13,184
Husband: Donald Boyd Bearman (born 24.5.1890 Hackney N E died 11.8.1975 Hoddesdon) View Notes
Donald “was educated at the Parmiters' School, Bethnal Green, and became a Chartered Accountant, although he once said that he would rather have done something literary with his life, like Charlie Carrington in his latter years (and cf. Tom Stutchbury Jnr.). Don was a keen Quaker and, like Tom Stutchbury Snr., a Fabian socialist.
During the 1st World War he was an absolute conscientious objector and spent much time in prison. In prison (1916-1919) the regime was very tough and he disliked recalling such unhappy memories in later life. He was severely restricted in how often he could write home, what he could write and how much. The letters survive and are written in minute writing to get more on a page. They say nothing about life in prison and consist entirely of his own philosophical thoughts.
Quakers hold meetings rather than services, so on a Sunday he was always off to meeting, where he would take his little notebook to remind him of the thoughts that had come to him during the week, which he would then share with others at the meeting. He was a colourful figure - six feet five inches tall and slim, quite a health fanatic and a strong believer in homeopathy. Most days, right up until his late seventies, he could be seen high up on his specially designed two-barred bicycle cycling down to the River Lea at Broxbourne, summer and winter, to swim. (It is only fair to add that the water was warmed by discharge from the power station upstream). He was keen on nudism - perhaps as a reaction against Victorian stuffiness towards sexual matters. The large extended garden and pool at Noonsun enabled him and his children (not his wife) to swim and sunbathe in the nude, and later in life he liked to visit nudist camps.
He had a tendency to have his head in the clouds - a trait which could be infuriating when practical family matters needed attention. His wife was the extreme opposite in this respect - very down-to-earth. As a young man after the War he travelled much in Europe and met Ethel Webb in Paris.”
Frank Middlemiss’s online notes
Lived at 25 Churchfields, Broxbourne - Ancestry have phone records from 1941-1960. At death was living at 52 Hertford Road, Hoddesdon according to probate records.
Daughter: Eirene Myra (Pippa) Bearman (born 8.2.1926 Edmonton died 5.10.1982 Broxbourne) View Notes
Eirene “was always called "Pippa", because her father was so fond of Browning’s poem Pippa Passes. She trained as a nurse, working in London hospitals until she emigrated on a £10 ticket to New Zealand in about 1949. She met Stan Cave in the summer of 1953 on her return voyage from New Zealand, announcing her engagement on her arrival. After their marriage they both emigrated to Tasmania, where their three children, Christopher, Elizabeth and Nigel, were born.
They returned to England for the sake of their children’s education in 1961. They lived at 52, Hertford Road, Hoddesdon, although after Pippa’s death Stan moved to Hertford. Stan was a chain smoker and suffered badly from emphysema. He died on Christmas Day, 1996.”
Daughter: Rosalind April Bearman (born 23.4.1929 Edmonton died 3.2000 Rushcliffe) View Notes
“Rosalind ... read Social Science at the University College of Hull, where she met her husband-to-be, Robert Hammond. She worked as a Child Care Officer in London, married in 1953, and after living in Hoddesdon, Hemel Hempstead and Basildon, settled in Keyworth, near Nottingham. Robert taught Geography at Trent Polytechnic (now Nottingham Trent University) and Rosalind taught in a primary school for thirteen years. Their main interests in retirement, apart from travelling the world, are research into local history and promoting social justice - particularly in relation to Third World Countries - through Oxfam and similar institutions. Rosalind died of cancer in March 2000.”
Bearman Family tree by Dr. Frank Middlemiss
Son: Peter Frederick Boyd Bearman (born 11.4.1932 died 14.10.2012 Uckfield, East Sussex)
Son: Frederick Ernest Webb (born 1896 Enfield, Middlesex died 10.6.1918 Died in war) View Notes
Enlisted: Westminster
Residence: Enfield
Rank: Corporal
Regiment: Corps of Royal Engineers
Number: 113094
Theatre of war: Western European Theatre
Died: 10th June 1918
cause: Died of wounds
Comments: "F" SPEC. COY., R.E.
Source: Ancestry quoting
Fred’s last letter transcript (he died two days later):
Dear Ethel,
For twenty four hours political discussion and conjecture was the universal diversion here and then ceased as suddenly as it began. The immediate cause of its rise was the distribution of printed cards for the sequestration of “the mugs” under the Representation of the People Act (which will next October at the latest be instrumental in supersceding the Repression of the People act — otherwise DORA — [Defence of the Realm Act] by something more sane). The discussion which ensued was amusing for political ideas are rather like army jam at present — mixed. And it is to be hoped that those men of influence who do not hold highly salaried positions in the present government or are not so sychophantic as to sacrifice their nationality to their purses will see that the election is held on social and humanitarian issues instead of political. If it is political it will be a [farce?]. If the issue is for Knock out Blow or negotiations the
------ reverse side of page -------
war will not drag on its detested existence to mock and desecrate another Christmas.
However, from May to October is a long cry, and many things may happen between. In fact the papers hint at startling events at the present moment, more “victories” apparently only Fritz doesn't regard them in that light.
The weather has threatened to break again, but today has been sunny though fresh and of course we have been for our daily swim. We usually have one a day when we are down here unless the weather is unusually cold, and if it is decently warm the one becomes two or three. After all the salt water of last year I find swimming in fresh is quite difficult, though of course there are no waves to contend with.
The writer of “Two years before the mast” [Richard Henry Dana, Jr., 1840] (which I have been reading) continues to make you quite interested in the intricacies of a sailing ship and the problems of sea trade and transport before the era of the steamboat and steam labour saving machinery.
------ page 3 ---------
Have you noticed how mainly the ideals of different writers — and of the same writer — are at varience concerning the best way of arranging if not a perfect, at least a more sane and stable system of life than has been evolved in the last half century? They drift towards the opposite poles of single self-sufficing existence on a basis of 40% of agriculture and a revival of farmhouse industries, and of highly complex civilisation in which manual labour in its unskilled sense has no place and old [??????] work is done mechanically. I think that H. G. Wells was right when he wrote (in the War in the Air)[see book as html ] that the only solution was entirely to destroy the existing [status?] — or rather give it room & time to compass its own destruction and allow a new system to evolve itself. And in our country at least this has happened & we don’t know how soon it will happen in others.
Well tea is just up so I suppose I had better leave off.
Quite well.
With best love.
1841 Elder Road, Lambeth, St Luke Norwood, Surrey | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Vertue | George | M | 40 | 1801 | Brazier | Surrey | 487 | ||
Vertue | Susannah | F | 50 | 1791 | 490 | ||||
Vertue | George | M | 15 | 1826 | Surrey | 491 | |||
Vertue | Elizabeth | F | 15 | 1826 | Surrey | 488 | |||
Vertue | John | M | 14 | 1827 | Surrey | 492 | |||
Vertue | William | M | 12 | 1829 | Surrey | 493 | |||
1841 Princes Road, Lambeth, Lambeth Church 2nd, Surrey | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Welch | Georgiana | F | 35 | 1806 | |||||
Welch | Amy | F | 4 | 1837 | Surrey | ||||
Welch | James | M | 2 | 1839 | Surrey | ||||
Doader | Charlotte Ann | F | 65 | 1776 | |||||
Virtue | Mary | F | 15 | 1826 | ???? | Surrey | 181 | ||
Jones | Sarah | F | 15 | 1826 | Companion | Surrey | |||
1851 86, North Side, Great Suffolk Street, Saint George The Martyr, Southwark, Surrey | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Frederick | Head | Married | M | 26 | 1825 | Journeyman Brass Finisher | Finsbury, Middlesex | 180 |
Webb | Mary | Wife | Married | F | 27 | 1824 | Norwood, Surrey | 181 | |
1851 High Street, St Marys Lambeth, Surrey | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Vertue | George | Head | Widower | M | 52 | 1799 | Brazier Iron Monger | Walworth, Surrey | 487 |
Vertue | Elizabeth | Daughter | Unmarried | F | 25 | 1826 | Norwood, Surrey | 488 | |
Lawrance | Mary A | Visitor | Unmarried | F | 18 | 1833 | Norwood, Surrey | ||
1861 24, Jewin Crescent, Cripplegate, London, London, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Mary | Wife | Married | F | 36 | 1825 | Wife Of Engineer | Norwood, Surrey | 181 |
Webb | Mary Ann | Daughter | Unmarried | F | 8 | 1853 | St Giles Cripplegate | 187 | |
Webb | Frederick | Son | M | 6 | 1855 | Scholar | St Giles Cripplegate | 184 | |
Webb | Emily | Daughter | F | 4 | 1857 | St Giles Cripplegate | 185 | ||
Webb | Ellen | Daughter | F | 2 | 1859 | St Giles Cripplegate | 186 | ||
Fessenger | Rose A | Boarder | Unmarried | F | 40 | 1821 | Ludgate Hill | ||
Macsweeney | Walter | Lodger | Unmarried | M | 23 | 1838 | Traveller | Cork, Ireland | |
Coupland | James | Lodger | Unmarried | M | 21 | 1840 | Clerk | Manchester | |
Coupland | William | Lodger | Unmarried | M | 24 | 1837 | Clerk | Manchester | |
1861 Castle Terrace, High Street, St Mary Lambeth, Norwood, London, Surrey | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Virtue | George | Head | Married | M | 63 | 1798 | Brazier & Gasfitter Employ 2 Boys | Walsworth, Surrey | 487 |
Virtue | Mary Ann | Wife | Married | F | 49 | 1812 | Clifton, Gloucestershire | 489 | |
Gooding | Louisa A | Adopted Child | F | 0 | 1861 | Clapham, Surrey | 854 | ||
1871 East Place, St Mary Lambeth, London, Surrey | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Virtue | George | Head | M | 73 | 1798 | Retired Ironmonger | Surrey | 487 | |
Virtue | Mary A | Wife | F | 59 | 1812 | Somerset | 489 | ||
Virtue | Mary A | Adopted | F | 10 | 1861 | Surrey | 854 | ||
1871 Enfield Highway, Enfield, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Bray | Elizabeth | Head | Widow | F | 31 | 1840 | Dressmaker | Essex, Stebbing | 448 |
Bray | Sarah | Daughter | F | 9 | 1862 | Scholar | Birmingham | 35 | |
Foster | Henry | Visitor | M | 6 | 1865 | Essex, Waltham ?? | |||
Foster | Bertha | Visitor | F | 5 | 1866 | Essex, Waltham ?? | |||
1871 Green Street, Enfield, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Frederick | Head | M | 46 | 1825 | Toolmaker | Finsbury, Middlesex | 180 | |
Webb | Mary | Wife | F | 46 | 1825 | Norwood, Surrey | 181 | ||
Webb | Frederick | Son | M | 16 | 1855 | Machinist | City of London | 184 | |
Webb | Emily | Daughter | F | 14 | 1857 | Scholar | City of London | 185 | |
Webb | Ellen | Daughter | F | 12 | 1859 | Scholar | City of London | 186 | |
Webb | Alfred | Son | M | 9 | 1862 | Scholar | City of London | 34 | |
Webb | Caroline | Daughter | F | 8 | 1863 | Scholar | Enfield, Middlesex | 182 | |
Webb | William | Son | M | 6 | 1865 | Scholar | Enfield, Middlesex | 183 | |
1881 19, Block Peabody Buildings, Lambeth, Surrey | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Frederick Alfred | Head | Married | M | 26 | 1855 | Engine Fitter Out Of Employment , | London City OF, Middlesex | 184 |
Webb | Elizabeth Jane | Wife | Married | F | 28 | 1853 | London City OF, Middlesex | 777 | |
Webb | Emily Jane | Daughter | Single | F | 4 | 1877 | Lambeth, Surrey | 778 | |
Webb | Annie Bertha | Daughter | Single | F | 3 | 1878 | Lambeth, Surrey | 779 | |
Webb | Rose Ellen | Daughter | Single | F | 1 | 1880 | Lambeth, Surrey | 783 | |
Webb | Frederick Edwin | Son | Single | M | 0 | 1881 | Lambeth, Surrey | 791 | |
Davis | Edwin | Wife Father | Married | M | 54 | 1827 | Railway Porter , | Chard, Somerset | 785 |
Davis | Martha | Wife Mother | Married | F | 64 | 1817 | Bonnington, Kent | 790 | |
1881 33, Medcalf Rd, Enfield, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Calvert | William | Head | Married | M | 38 | 1843 | Smith In Gun Fac R S A | Durham | 483 |
Calvert | Elizabeth | Wife | Married | F | 40 | 1841 | Essex | 448 | |
Calvert | Sarah | Daughter | Single | F | 19 | 1862 | Enfield, Middlesex | 35 | |
1881 36, Lowman Rd, Islington, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Bysh | William | Head | Married | M | 25 | 1856 | Grocer , | Willesden, Middlesex | 799 |
Bysh | Rose Emily | Wife | Married | F | 24 | 1857 | Lon, Middlesex | 185 | |
Fear | Ann | Lodger | Single | F | 31 | 1850 | Mourning Florist (Artif) , | Lon, Middlesex | |
Dunt | Hannah | Lodger | Single | F | 41 | 1840 | Mourning Florist (Artif) , | Norfolk | |
Nourse | Mary | Lodger | Single | F | 40 | 1841 | Mourning Florist (Artif) , | Lon, Middlesex | |
1881 54, Medcalf Rd, Enfield, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Frederick | Head | Married | M | 56 | 1825 | Marine Engine Fitter | Finsbury, Middlesex | 180 |
Webb | Mary | Wife | Married | F | 56 | 1825 | Lambeth, Surrey | 181 | |
Webb | Alfred | Son | Single | M | 19 | 1862 | Gun Barrel Machinist In Fac | London, Middlesex | 34 |
Webb | Caroline | Daughter | Single | F | 18 | 1863 | Enfield, Middlesex | 182 | |
Webb | William | Son | Single | M | 16 | 1865 | Grocers Assistant | Enfield, Middlesex | 183 |
1891 10, Waterside Road, Stapenhill, Burton, Staffordshire | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Huxley | John | Head | Married | M | 35 | 1856 | Blacksmith | Chester, Cheshire | 644 |
Huxley | Mary | Wife | Married | F | 38 | 1853 | Sutton Hall, Cheshire | 643 | |
Huxley | Annie | Daughter | Single | F | 10 | 1881 | Scholar | Kidsgrove, Staffordshire | 647 |
Huxley | Nellie | Daughter | Single | F | 9 | 1882 | Scholar | Black Bull, Staffordshire | 645 |
Huxley | Arthur | Son | Single | M | 4 | 1887 | Scholar | Burton upon Trent, Staffordshir | 631 |
Huxley | George | Son | Single | M | 1 | 1890 | Stapenhill, Derbyshire | 646 | |
1891 19, Government Row, Enfield, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Robin | Andrew | Head | Married | M | 29 | 1862 | Steam Engine Maker Fitter , | Waltham Abbey, Essex | 800 |
Robin | Ellen S | Wife | Married | F | 32 | 1859 | City of London | 186 | |
Robin | Ellen E E | Daughter | F | 6 | 1885 | Holloway, London | 801 | ||
Robin | Andrew J | Son | M | 4 | 1887 | Enfield, Middlesex | 802 | ||
Fesemarfar | Rose A | Visitor | Single | F | 78 | 1813 | London | ||
1891 33, Hanby Terrace, Enfield, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Frederic | Head | Married | M | 66 | 1825 | Engineer Fitter | London | 180 |
Webb | Mary | Wife | Married | F | 66 | 1825 | Norwood, Surrey | 181 | |
Webb | Mary Ann | Daughter | Single | F | 38 | 1853 | Dress Maker | London | 187 |
Webb | Caroline | Daughter | Single | F | 28 | 1863 | Enfield | 182 | |
Webb | William | Son | Single | M | 26 | 1865 | Machinist Gun Trade | Enfield | 183 |
1891 43, Medcalf Road, Enfield, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Alfred R | Head | Married | M | 29 | 1862 | Filer In Gun Trades | London | 34 |
Webb | Sarah | Wife | Married | F | 28 | 1863 | Birmingham | 35 | |
Webb | Myra | Daughter | Single | F | 2 | 1889 | Enfield, Middlesex | 36 | |
Kennan | James E | Boarder | Single | M | 25 | 1866 | Superintendent Of Gas Workers | Ireland | |
1891 8, Tudor Road, Hackney, London | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Bearman | Thomas | Head | Married | M | 44 | 1847 | Pastry Cook | Hackney, London | 18 |
Bearman | Keturah | Wife | Married | F | 40 | 1851 | Oxford | 29 | |
Bearman | Kate | Daughter | Single | F | 14 | 1877 | Scholar | Hackney, London | 129 |
Bearman | Edith | Daughter | Single | F | 12 | 1879 | Scholar | Hackney, London | 33 |
Bearman | Hilda | Daughter | Single | F | 10 | 1881 | Scholar | Hackney, London | 130 |
Bearman | Elsie Nora | Daughter | Single | F | 8 | 1883 | Scholar | Hackney, London | 30 |
Bearman | Donald Benj | Son | Single | M | 0 | 1891 | Hackney, London | 31 | |
Sandle | Clara | Visitor | Single | F | 27 | 1864 | Dressmaker | Oxford | 149 |
1891 8b, Peabody Buildings, Chelsea Bridge, St George Hanover Square, London, London | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Frederick | Head | Married | M | 36 | 1855 | Gas & Hot Water Fitter , | Middlesex | 184 |
Webb | Jane | Wife | Married | F | 38 | 1853 | Middlesex | 777 | |
Webb | Emily | Daughter | F | 14 | 1877 | General Servant Domestic , | Lambeth, London | 778 | |
Webb | Rosie | Daughter | F | 11 | 1880 | Scholar , | Lambeth, London | 783 | |
Webb | Annie | Daughter | F | 4 | 1887 | Pimlico, London | 779 | ||
Webb | Edith | Daughter | F | 1 | 1890 | Pimlico, London | 780 | ||
Davis | Edwin | Father In Law | Widower | M | 65 | 1826 | Oddman Domestic , | Chard, Somersetshire | 785 |
1901 16, Hampden Road, Hornsey, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Bysh | William | Head | Married | M | 45 | 1856 | Grocer Unemployed , | Willesden, Middlesex | 799 |
Bysh | Rose E | Wife | Married | F | 44 | 1857 | City of London | 185 | |
Harding | Albert L | Boarder | Single | M | 46 | 1855 | Compositor , | Frome, Somersetshire | |
1901 23, Bakewell Street, Derby, Derbyshire | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Huxley | John | Head | Married | M | 45 | 1856 | Engineer (Repairs) | Chester, Cheshire | 644 |
Huxley | Mary | Wife | Married | F | 48 | 1853 | Tatenhill, Staffordshire | 643 | |
Huxley | Annie | Daughter | Single | F | 20 | 1881 | Student | Kidsgrove, Staffordshire | 647 |
Huxley | Nellie | Daughter | Single | F | 19 | 1882 | Student | Knipesley, Staffordshire | 645 |
Huxley | Arthur | Son | M | 14 | 1887 | Burton on Trent, Staffordshire | 631 | ||
Huxley | George | Son | M | 11 | 1890 | Stapenhill, Staffordshire | 646 | ||
Windsor | Frances | Sister | F | 31 | 1870 | Invoice Clerk | Haughton, Cheshire | 648 | |
1901 33, Hanby Terrace (Enfield Lock), Enfield, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Fredrick | Head | Married | M | 76 | 1825 | Retired Engineer R S A F | Finsbury, London | 180 |
Webb | Mary | Wife | Married | F | 76 | 1825 | Norwood, Surrey | 181 | |
Webb | Mary A | Daughter | Single | F | 47 | 1854 | Domestic | London, Middlesex | 187 |
Webb | William | Son | Single | M | 36 | 1865 | Gun Filer R S A F | Enfield, Middlesex | 183 |
Webb | Caroline | Daughter | F | 37 | 1864 | Enfield, Middlesex | 182 | ||
1901 35, Government Row, Enfield, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Robin | Andrew | Head | Married | M | 39 | 1862 | Steam Engine Fitter , | Waltham Abby, Essex | 800 |
Robin | Ellen | Wife | Married | F | 42 | 1859 | City, London | 186 | |
Robin | Ellen E | Daughter | Single | F | 16 | 1885 | Highbury, London | 801 | |
Robin | Andrew | Son | Single | M | 14 | 1887 | Labourer Gun Factory , | Enfield Lock, Middlesex | 802 |
Robin | Elsie | Daughter | Single | F | 9 | 1892 | Enfield Lock, Middlesex | 803 | |
1901 8, Peabody Buildings B Block, St George Hanover Square, London | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Frederick | Head | Married | M | 46 | 1855 | Gas & Hot Water Fitter , | City, London | 184 |
Webb | Jane | Wife | Married | F | 48 | 1853 | City, London | 777 | |
Webb | Annie | Daughter | F | 14 | 1887 | Incandesent Gas Mantle Maker , | Pimlico, London | 779 | |
Webb | Edith | Daughter | F | 11 | 1890 | Pimlico, London | 780 | ||
Finch | Rosie | Daughter | Married | F | 21 | 1880 | Lambeth, London | 783 | |
Finch | Fredk | Grand Son | M | 1 | 1900 | Gt Waldingfield, Suffolk | 784 | ||
1901 8, Tudor Road, Hackney, London | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Bearman | Thomas | Head | Married | M | 54 | 1847 | Retired Baker and Confectioner | Hackney, London | 18 |
Bearman | Keturah | Wife | Married | F | 50 | 1851 | Oxford, Oxfordshire | 29 | |
Bearman | Kate | Daughter | Single | F | 24 | 1877 | Hackney, London | 129 | |
Bearman | Edith | Daughter | Single | F | 22 | 1879 | Hackney, London | 33 | |
Bearman | Hilda | Daughter | Single | F | 20 | 1881 | Hackney, London | 130 | |
Bearman | Elsie N | Daughter | Single | F | 18 | 1883 | Hackney, London | 30 | |
Bearman | Donald B | Son | Single | M | 10 | 1891 | Hackney, London | 31 | |
Sandell | Keziah | Visitor | Single | F | 38 | 1863 | Oxford, Oxfordshire | 131 | |
1901 Fernlea, Allandale Road, Enfield, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Alfred | Head | Married | M | 39 | 1862 | Gun Sight Filer | Cripplegate, London | 34 |
Webb | Sarah | Wife | Married | F | 38 | 1863 | Birmingham, Warwickshire | 35 | |
Webb | Myra | Daughter | F | 12 | 1889 | Enfield, Middlesex | 36 | ||
Webb | Ethel | Daughter | F | 6 | 1895 | Enfield, Middlesex | 37 | ||
Webb | Frederick | Son | M | 4 | 1897 | Enfield, Middlesex | 38 | ||
Borell | Ernest | Boarder | Single | M | 31 | 1870 | Gardener (Not Domestic) | Sweden (Swedish Subj) | |
1911 10 Stafford Street Derby, Derbyshire | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Myra Elizabeth | Assistant Matron | Single | F | 22 | 1889 | Teacher Assistant, Derby Education Committee | Middlesex Enfield Lock | 36 |
Ward | Dorothy Hilda | Student | Single | F | 19 | 1892 | Student In Training For Elementary Teacher | Nottinghamshire Nottingham | |
Turner | Agnes Gertrude | Student | Single | F | 20 | 1891 | Student In Training For Elementary Teacher | Lancashire Barrow in Furness | |
Pimblett | Elizabeth | Student | Single | F | 19 | 1892 | Student In Training For Elementary Teacher | Lancashire Eccles | |
Jackson | Annie | Student | Single | M | 19 | 1892 | Student In Training For Elementary Teacher | Lancashire Salford | |
Kelly | Eva | Student | Single | F | 20 | 1891 | Student In Training For Elementary Teacher | Lancashire Salford | |
Sowter | Ethel Maud | Student | Single | F | 19 | 1892 | Student In Training For Elementary Teacher | Staffordshire Leek | |
Turner | Kate Caroline | Caretaker | Widow | F | 38 | 1873 | Working Caretkaer | Warwickshire Birmingham | |
1911 134 Uttoxeter New Road Derby, Derbyshire | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Huxley | Nellie | Head | Single | F | 29 | 1882 | Elementary School Teacher | Cheshire Biddulph | 645 |
Huxley | Mary | Mother | Married | F | 58 | 1853 | Cheshire Tattenhall | 643 | |
Huxley | John | Father | Married | M | 55 | 1856 | General Engineer | Cheshire Chester | 644 |
Huxley | Arthur | Brother | Single | M | 24 | 1887 | General Engineer | Staffs Burton | 631 |
Huxley | George | Brother | Single | M | 21 | 1890 | General Engineer | Derbyshire Staphenhill | 646 |
1911 2 Aldrige Villa, Ordnance Road, Enfield Wash, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Robin | Andrew | Head | Married | M | 49 | 1862 | Engine Fitter | Waltham Abbey Essex | 800 |
Robin | Ellen Susanah | Wife | Married | F | 52 | 1859 | City London | 186 | |
Robin | Ellen Eliza Emily | Daughter | Single | F | 26 | 1885 | Shorthand Typist | Holloway London | 801 |
Robin | Andrew John | Son | Single | M | 24 | 1887 | Machine Hand - Gun Factory | Enfield Lock Middx | 802 |
Robin | Elsie Mary | Daughter | Single | F | 19 | 1892 | Home Duties | Enfield Lock Middx | 803 |
Howe | Elizabeth | Boarder | Widow | F | 74 | 1837 | Private Means | Blackfrairs London | |
1911 227 Stephendale Road Fulham, London | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Frederick | Head | Married | M | 56 | 1855 | Gas And Hotwater Filter | City of London | 184 |
Webb | Jane | Wife | Married | F | 58 | 1853 | City of London | 777 | |
Hall | Emily | Daughter | Married | F | 34 | 1877 | Lambeth London | 778 | |
Webb | Annie | Daughter | Single | F | 24 | 1887 | Gas Mantle Maker | Pimlico London | 779 |
Webb | Edith | Daughter | Single | F | 21 | 1890 | Pimlico London | 780 | |
Hall | Emily | Granddaughter | F | 2 | 1909 | Fulham London | 781 | ||
Webb | Dorothy | Granddaughter | F | 2 | 1909 | Fulham London | 782 | ||
1911 78 Standard Road, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Bysh | William | Head | Married | M | 55 | 1856 | Chapel Keeper | Willesden Middsex | 799 |
Bysh | Rose Emily | Wife | Married | F | 54 | 1857 | City of London | 185 | |
1911 8 Tudor Road Mare St S Hackney N E, London | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Bearman | Thomas | Head | Married | M | 64 | 1847 | Retired Pastrycook Caterer | Hackney N E | 18 |
Bearman | Keturah | Wife | Married | F | 60 | 1851 | City of Oxford | 29 | |
Bearman | Elsie Nora | Daughter | Single | F | 28 | 1883 | Hackney N E | 30 | |
Bearman | Donald Boyd | Son | Single | M | 20 | 1891 | Clerk At Horse Guards Eastern | Hackney N E | 31 |
Carrington | Charles Edward Henry | Son In Law | Married | M | 33 | 1878 | Commercial Clerk | Hackney N E | 32 |
Carrington | Edith | Visitor Daughter | Married | F | 32 | 1879 | Hackney N E | 33 | |
1911 80 Mandeville Road Enfield Wash N, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Fredrick | Head | Married | M | 86 | 1825 | Retired Engine Fitter, RSA Factory, Enfield Lock | London Finsbury | 180 |
Webb | Mary | Wife | Married | F | 86 | 1825 | Surry Norwood | 181 | |
Webb | Caroline | Daughter | Single | F | 48 | 1863 | At Home | Middlesex Enfield | 182 |
Webb | William | Son | Single | M | 46 | 1865 | Component Examiner, Gun Factory, Enfield | Middlesex Enfield | 183 |
1911 Chilton End Sudbury Suffolk, Suffolk | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Finch | James | Head | Married | M | 31 | 1880 | Groom Chauffeur | Gt Waldingfield Suffolk | 792 |
Finch | Rose Ellen | Wife | Married | F | 31 | 1880 | Lambeth London | 783 | |
Finch | Frederick James | Son | M | 11 | 1900 | School | Gt Waldingfield Suffolk | 784 | |
Finch | Florence Mary | Daughter | F | 9 | 1902 | School | Gt Waldingfield Suffolk | 793 | |
Finch | John William | Son | M | 7 | 1904 | School | Gt Waldingfield Suffolk | 794 | |
Finch | William | Son | M | 5 | 1906 | School | Gt Waldingfield Suffolk | 795 | |
Finch | Doris Rose | Daughter | F | 3 | 1908 | Chilton Suffolk | 796 | ||
Bowers | William | Lodger | Married | M | 42 | 1869 | Agricuturel Labourer | Gt Waldingfield Suffolk | |
1911 Fernlea, Allandale Road, Enfield Wash N, Middlesex | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Webb | Alfred Robert | Head | Married | M | 49 | 1862 | Viewer - Enfield Gun Factory | London; Jewin Crescent | 34 |
Webb | Sarah | Wife | Married | F | 48 | 1863 | Warwick; Birmingham | 35 | |
Webb | Ethel Carrie | Daughter | Single | F | 16 | 1895 | Middlesex; Enfield Lock | 37 | |
Webb | Frederick Ernest | Son | M | 14 | 1897 | School | Middlesex; Enfield Wash | 38 | |
Calvert | Mary Elizabeth | Boarder | Single | F | 39 | 1872 | Middlesex; Enfield Lock | 485 | |
1921 149 Beach St, Deal, Kent | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Bearman | Keturah | Head | F | 70 | 1851 | Home Duties | Oxford, Oxfordshire | 29 | |
Bearman | Donald Boyd | Son | M | 31 | 1890 | Accountant and Auditor Student | Hackney, London | 31 | |
Howson | Rhoda | Sister | F | 66 | 1855 | Home Duties | Oxford, Oxfordshire | 137 | |
1939 11 The Old Vicarage School Church Lane, Derby, Derbyshire | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Huxley | Arthur | Married | M | 53 | 1886 | Engineer and Garage Proprietor | 9th Dec | 631 | |
Huxley | Myra E | Married | F | 51 | 1888 | Principal of Private School | 10th Aug | 36 | |
Huxley | Margaret E | Single | F | 19 | 1920 | Student Teacher | 18th Sep | 633 | |
Barnes | Patricia | F | 11 | 1928 | At school | 20th Jan | |||
Spence | Nigel | M | 8 | 1931 | At school | 18th Mar | |||
1939 Moorhaven, Horsell Park, Woking, Surrey | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Holdstock | Frederick C | Married | M | 72 | 1867 | Draper retired | 26 April | ||
Holdstock | Lydia | Married | F | 79 | 1860 | Unpaid Domestic Duties | 22 November | ||
Webb | Alfred R | Married | M | 78 | 1861 | Examiner Army Rifles | 18 May | 34 | |
Webb | Sarah | Married | F | 77 | 1862 | Unpaid Domestic Duties | 26 April | 35 | |
1939 Street Farm, Deben, Suffolk | |||||||||
S name | F name | Relation | Cond | Sex | Age | Born | Occupation | Born | ID |
Cornell | Rowland G | Married | M | 35 | 1904 | General Farmer (Own Account) | 9th February | ||
Cornell | Married | F | 51 | 1888 | Unpaid domestic duties assisting f | 11th April | |||
Bearman | Donald B | Married | M | 49 | 1890 | Chartered Accountant | 24th May | 31 | |
Bearman | Ethel C | Married | F | 46 | 1894 | University Lecturer (Languages) | 7th October | 37 | |
Wood | Vera K | Single | F | 35 | 1904 | Children’s Nurse | 25th March | 4084 | |
Bearman | Eirene M | Single | F | 13 | 1926 | At School | 271 | ||
Bearman | Rosalind A | Single | F | 10 | 1929 | At School | 23rd April | 272 | |
Bearman | Peter F B | Single | M | 7 | 1932 | At School | 114 | ||